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Mad Eye Moody as Defense Against Dark Arts Teacher

Defence force Confronting the Night Arts (DADA) is i of the compulsory subjects studied by students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In Nighttime Arts lessons, students larn to defend themselves against the many forms of dark magic.

Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers

Professors Quirrell, Lockhart, Lupin, (imposter) Moody, Umbridge and Snape — Harry's six Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers.

Over the grade of the Harry Potter books, seven different teachers causeless the part of Defence Against the Nighttime Arts professor. Before the Night Lord'due south downfall, no Night Arts professor lasted longer than a single school year. Dumbledore theorised that Tom Riddle jinxed the job later on the Hogwarts headmaster refused him the teaching post.

i. Quirinus Quirrell

Professor Quirrell alerts the school to a troll in the dungeon

Professor Quirrell alerts the school to a troll in the dungeon.

Before the events of the first book, Professor Quirrell taught Muggle Studies at Hogwarts. He travelled to Albania where he met the remnants of Lord Voldemort — alive because of his 7 Horcruxes, but without proper physical class. Voldemort possessed Quirrell, feeding off him while curtained in a turban. When Quirrell returned to Hogwarts, he assumed the mail of Defense Against the Night Arts professor.

During the school yr, Quirrell attempted to steal the Philosopher's Stone for Voldemort (considering the Dark Lord believed it would make him immortal), but was thwarted by Harry. Lily'south protective powers meant Voldemort couldn't touch Harry, and Quirrell was destroyed in the ensuing confrontation.

2. Gilderoy Lockhart

Professor Lockhart's Cornish Pixies lesson gets a little out of control

Professor Lockhart's Cornish Pixies lesson gets a piffling out of control.

In Harry's second yr, Gilderoy Lockhart, an esteemed author known for his adventures and defeat of many nighttime creatures, took the Defence force Against the Dark Arts chore. Over the course of the year information technology became increasingly credible that Lockhart was completely incompetent. In ane infamous grade he set loose a flock of Cornish Pixies and left them to the course to recapture.

Ultimately, Lockhart was forced into the Chamber of Secrets, promising to rescue the possessed Ginny Weasley. It is revealed that Lockhart had been taking credit all along for the work of others, using a retentivity charm to wipe the original memories. In a twist of fate, Ron'due south wand backfires when Lockhart uses it to endeavour and wipe both he and Harry's memories, permanently destroying the fraudulent author's heed.

3. Remus Lupin

Remus Lupin teaches a lesson about Boggarts

Remus Lupin teaches a lesson nigh Boggarts.

In Harry'due south third year at Hogwarts, Remus Lupin takes the Night Arts chore. A childhood friend of Harry's father and a member of the Order of the Phoenix during the Offset State of war, Lupin was a competent and kind teacher. Over the course of the school year, Lupin tutored Harry privately, pedagogy him how to produce a Patronus Charm to repel Dementors.

At the finish of the yr, it is revealed that Lupin was a werewolf (having been bitten as a child), and that Snape had been keeping his condition at bay using the Wolfsbane Potion. When his affliction is revealed, he's forced to leave the school, assuming that parents will exist disgusted to find their children being taught by a werewolf.

iv. Bartemius Hunker Jr./Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody

The imposter Moody demonstrates the three Unforgivable Curses

The imposter Moody demonstrates the 3 Unforgivable Curses.

In Harry's 4th year at Hogwarts, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody was to accept the position of Defense force Against the Dark Arts teacher. Moody exposed the students to some of the darkest magic in the Wizarding World — including the three Unforgivable Curses.

At the end of the year, information technology is revealed that Moody is in fact Bartemius Crouch Jr., a Death Eater working on Voldemort's orders who had bearded himself as Moody using Polyjuice Potion. After his capture, Crouch is given the Dementor's Osculation, sucking out his soul. The real Alastor Moody is found to be imprisoned in Crouch's body, having been subconscious away for an entire school twelvemonth.

five. Dolores Umbridge

Professor Umbridge sips tea

Professor Umbridge favoured a theoretical approach to "teaching".

In Harry's fifth year, a Ministry of Magic employee, Dolores Umbridge, was Defence Against the Night Arts professor. Umbridge had a strong opposition to education the students practical magic and instead taught a strict "Ministry approved" theoretical course. This led Harry, Ron and Hermione to course Dumbledore'southward Army, a surreptitious social club for students to learn to defend themselves confronting dark magic.

At the end of the school twelvemonth, Umbridge is led into the Forbidden Forest, believing Harry and his "army" are procuring a weapon. She insults the centaurs of the woods who, outraged and offended, elevate her away from the school.

vi. Severus Snape

Professor Snape teaches Defence Against the Dark Arts

Professor Snape finally assumed the rule of Dark Arts instructor during Harry's sixth year.

In Harry'southward sixth year at Hogwarts, Severus Snape, the Potions Master, is finally given the position he long coveted — Defence Against the Nighttime Arts professor. Dumbledore had refused the position to Snape on a number of occasions, assertive it would cause the in one case-Death Eater to relapse.

At the end of the school yr, Snape kills Dumbledore (on Dumbledore's orders) and is forced to flee the school, with both Harry and the staff believing him to be at Voldemort's side one time over again.

7. Amycus Carrow

Harry, Ron and Hermione leave Hogwarts in Deathly Hallows to chase down Voldemort's Horcruxes. During this menstruum, the Ministry of Magic is taken over by Expiry Eaters, and Amycus Carrow is given the function of Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. (At this time, the subject is simply chosen "Night Arts".) Carrow inflicts punishment on the students of Hogwarts, even encouraging them to perform the Cruciatus Curse on those who have earned detentions.

After the Battle of Hogwarts, Voldemort and the Death Eaters were banished. It is theorised that Carrow was later sent to Azkaban. Presumably, Voldemort'due south destruction also lifted the expletive upon the job and future teachers lasted more than a single school year.


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