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How Big Do Baby Ouchitta Map Turtles Get

Ouachita Map Turtle Care Canvas

The Ouachita map turtle is i of the less popular map turtles. However, these turtles are easy to care for and have needs which are quite like to other Northward American turtles.

They are hardy and lively. This turtle also has the contour lines which gives it its mutual name.  In terms of size, the Ouachita map turtle is medium to large. They belong to the family unit Emydidae and make excellent kickoff pets.

Quick Reference Section

  • Feel Level: Beginner
  • Family unit: Emydidae
  • Scientific Name: Graptemys ouachitensis
  • Average Adult female Size: v to x inches
  • Average Adult Male Size: 3½  to 5 inches
  • Lifespan: 15 to 20 years
  • Clutch Size: half dozen to 15 eggs
  • Egg Incubation Flow: lx to 82 days
  • Food: Commercial aquatic turtle diet
  • Tank Size:  40 to xc gallons
  • Average Temperature: 90°H/70°50
  • UVB Lighting: Needed
  • Average Cost Range: $xl to $100
  • Conservation Status: Least Concern on IUCN Red Listing

Facts and Data

Male and Female Ouachita Map Turtle
Male person Ouachita Map Turtle on left & female on the right

As the Ouachita map turtle is a map turtle, it is a member of the Graptemys genus and the family Emydidae. This turtle looks very much like other map turtles, map turtles are notoriously difficult to tell apart.

There are quite a few like the Black Knobbed Map Turtle, Northern Map Turtle, Texas Map Turtle, False Map Turtle, Barbour's Map Turtle, Mississippi Map Turtle, and more than.

However, the Ouachita map turtle has the iconic sawback keel and lines that resemble contours. At that place are two subspecies of the Ouachita map turtle which include the Graptemys ouachitensis ouachitensis and the Graptemys ouachitensis sabinensis.

Every bit with map turtles, the females are noticeably larger than the males. Developed females have carapace lengths of 5 to 10 inches. Adult males, on the other hand, have carapace lengths of 3½  to 5 inches.

The carapace of this turtle is black to olive color with yellow lines with nighttime borders. Their underside is usually yellowish to cream and features dark swirls and lines.

This Ouachita map turtle is endemic to Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas.

Ouachita Map Turtle Habitat

The Ouachita map turtle can exist found in rivers with fast-moving water and plentiful vegetation. They prefer deep broad sections of rivers with clayey, sandy or rocky bottoms and many basking sites.


As with other map turtles, yous need an aquarium or a pond for the Ouachita map turtle. While juveniles can thrive in but 20 gallons of water, they need to be moved to a larger aquarium when they accomplish sub-adulthood.

It's best to acquire a tank size fit for an adult and start with just plenty water to cover the juvenile turtle. For developed males, a twoscore to 50-gallon aquarium is needed.

Females require much larger aquariums as they are larger. An aquarium that tin hold ninety to 100 gallons of h2o should do. For each additional male person add together 20 gallons of tank space, and for each additional females add 40 gallons of tank space. A spacious tank ensures that conformations are kept to a minimum.

The water used to fill the aquarium needs to be gratuitous of chlorine as it can irritate the turtle. Since tap water contains chlorine or chloramines, information technology is important to dechlorinate the water.

Chloramine, which is used in place of chlorine in some cities, is more stable and only a dechlorinator can hands and finer remove it. I recommend the API TAP Water Conditioner. Non only does be neutralizes chlorine, but it also neutralizes chloramines and detoxifies heavy metals.

Last but not the to the lowest degree, you need to install a filter. This ensures the water is costless of harmful waste such every bit ammonia. Information technology is e'er advisable to get a filter mark twice the size of the aquarium. This is particularly truthful if you have several turtles in the tank. There are several filters to choose from but the ane I recommend the most for this species is the SunSun HW-302.

A filter is non enough, you lot accept to too modify 25 percent of the water every week. Too, you demand to swap out the water in the aquarium and clean information technology every month or and then.

The turtle should be fine with the pH and temperature changes. Yet, if in that location are other species housed with the Ouachita map turtle, you need to research if they are fine with sudden changes in pH and temperature levels before proceeding. Use a siphon vacuum cleaner such as the Laifoo Aquarium Siphon Vacuum Cleaner to clean the aquarium.


If y'all have maintained an aquarium earlier then you may know that information technology isn't important to accept substrate in a turtle's aquarium. Lack of substrate makes cleaning the aquarium easier.

As well, there are no harmful substrates for the turtle to ingest. If you must take substrate in the aquarium, choose one that the turtle cannot ingest such equally river rocks. The Royal Imports' large decorative polished gravel river pebbles work excellently.


Maintaining the right temperature for the Ouachita map turtle's enclosure isn't difficult. Ensure the air temperature is between 79 F and 86 F. The basking temperature needs to be 85 to 95 F. Finally the water temperature needs to be 70 to 75 F.

Since the required water temperature is quite depression, you most likely may not need a submersible heater. If yous do acquire a water heater ensure you use a heater baby-sit to prevent the turtles from getting burned. Too since the submersible heater can overheat the aquarium, a thermostat must exist used even if the heater has a builtin thermostat.

Ceramic heat lamps tin can be used to warm upwards the basking platform. They are preferable to mercury vapor lamps as they don't produce light. Ceramic heat lamps likewise last longer.

Monitor the heat lamp using a thermostat such as the BN-Link thermostat. Monitor the water temperature with a VIVOSUN aquarium thermometer and monitor the ambient temperature with a Zoo Med Digital Thermometer.


To provide the synthesis of vitamin D3, you demand to provide UVB light. Vitamin D3 is of import for the absorption of calcium from the turtle's diet. To provide the needed UVB, I recommend the ReptiSun. It is the all-time UVB light source for reptiles kept indoors.

Information technology's always a good thought to turn off the lights in the aquarium, and the room within which the aquarium is placed in 12 hours every day. The lights should then exist on for 12 hours a day. This pattern maintains the reptile's cyclic rhythm. Invest in a timer that automatically turns the lights on and off each day.


You need a basking platform for the turtle. This gives the turtle a place to dry off and relax during the solar day. When getting a basking platform, gets one that can easily adjust all the turtles in the enclosure.

If you have ii turtles, and then the platform should concord 2 turtles with no issues. I recommend the OASIS #64226 Turtle Ramp. This platform is easy to install and is very effective as it can hold several turtles.

Feeding the Ouachita Map Turtle

Ouachita Map Turtle
Graptemys ouachitensis

In the wild, the Ouachita map turtle is an omnivore. However, map turtles tend to eat more animal protein as aquatic turtles generally do. Feed a pet Ouachita map turtle more protein and less plant food.

You can feed them shrimps, krill, and insects such every bit mealworms, bloodworms, and crickets. alternatively, y'all can feed them commercial turtle diets.

Hither are some diets I recommend include Zoo Med Gourmet Reptisticks Floating Aquatic Turtle Nutrient, TradeKing Stale Mealworms,  Mazuri aquatic turtle diet, and Zoo Med Natural Aquatic Turtle Food.

Commercial diets take several advantages over insects and other animal protein as commercial diets are piece of cake to store, and are fortified with important nutrients that may otherwise need to be provided separately.

Animate being proteins to include in the turtle's diet include crickets, shrimp, bloodworms earthworms, mealworms, crayfish, krill, feeder fish, and any aquatic insects.

Even though the Ouachita map turtle is mostly carnivorous, you also need to offer them plants. I recommend feeding them this every day as the calorie count in the following plants is quite low.

Some skilful plant food includes squash, zucchini. endive, mustard greens, collard greens, kale, escarole, dandelions, beet leaves, squash, and red foliage lettuce.

You can also feed them plant nutrient that can be found in aquatic ecologies such equally pondweed, duckweed, milfoil, water lilies, h2o hyacinth, frogbit, and hornwort.

Young turtles that are below the age of 6 months should be fed every solar day. Feed them until you detect a diminished appetite. For turtles that are at least half dozen months old, feed them every other 24-hour interval. Similarly, feed them until they show signs of waned ambition.

Ouachita Map Turtle'southward Temperament & Handling

Graptemys ouachitensis
Ouachita Map Turtle

Every bit a brandish pet, the Ouachita map turtle should not be handled unless it is imperative. Handling the turtle tin exist a stressful ordeal for information technology and you should avoid putting them through this stress. Generally, they are active and lively turtle. This liveliness can be entertaining.

Too, Ouachita map turtle tin can be housed with other turtles such equally sliders, cooters and other map turtles. If you notice abuse or harassment in this communal habitat, isolate the aggressive turtle.

Ouachita Map Turtle's Lifespan

Turtles are long-lived animals. Even turtles with relatively short lifespans such equally the Ouachita map turtle yet outlast most domesticated animals. As such you need to be committed before adopting an Ouachita map turtle. This species has an average lifespan of 15 to 20 years.

Common Health Concerns

Map turtles are hardy creatures that hardly suffer from health complications. Regardless of this be on the sentry for symptoms of ill health such as excessive basking, frothing at the mouth, cracked shell, bruised pare, irregular shell growth such equally shell pyramiding, unwillingness to swim (unremarkably goes mitt in paw with excessive basking), swollen optics, and appetite loss.

Vitamin D/Calcium deficiency – An inadequate corporeality of vitamin D3 and calcium can lead to detrimental consequences such as metabolic bone deficiency.

This is generally characterized by irregular growth such as limb deformity likewise equally trounce deformity. When this deficiency isn't noticed apace the resulting deformities are usually permanent. Prevent this past providing adequate dietary calcium.

Also, supplement the turtle'south diet with vitamin D or provide acceptable UVB lighting. Since commercial diets have acceptable amounts of vitamin D and calcium, relying on them prevents vitamin D and calcium deficiency.

Pyramided Beat– Overfeeding the turtle mostly leads to shell pyramiding. To prevent this, don't overfeed the turtle. When noticed early, shell pyramiding tin can be corrected. A pyramided crush may affect how the turtle moves and can prevent males from mating. However, these should be the only negatives.

Infection -Skin, ear and shell infections are usually acquired by unclean water. Filter the aquarium h2o properly and change the h2o as needed.

Cuts and bruises – If yous notice cuts and bruises, care for them with betadine solution. Also, pinpoint the source of the cut or bruise. Remove the object causing the cut. Also, if it is another turtle or pet that shares the aquarium with the turtle, quarantine the assaulter.

These are some common wellness issues to sentinel out for.

Pricing and Availability

Although not equally popular as the Mississippi map turtles, Ouachita map turtles can be acquired from notable breeders and even online from sites such as Turtle Source.

Expect to pay between $forty and $100 for this map turtle. Since they are a North American turtle, they are relatively like shooting fish in a barrel to detect.


The Graptemys ouachitensis has a chat status of To the lowest degree Concern on the IUCN Ruby-red List. This is due to their stable population and widespread nature.

Regardless of this condition, the species is threatened past exploitation, habitat degradation, and other direct human-related mortality. The species is included in CITES Appendix III (United States) and as such export quantities are monitored.


The Ouachita map turtle is a great pet for both beginners and experienced turtle keepers. Equally far every bit their needs are met, this turtle should show to be of niggling claiming.

As a beginner pet, teens and preteens tin care for this turtle as far as the necessary developed supervision is provided. Also, continue pets such equally dogs and cats away from this turtle's aquarium. If y'all have whatever thoughts on this wonderful turtle, kindly go out a comment or two.


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